Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Americana Monday

On Monday, my parents headed down to Laguna Beach for two nights, so I left work at 1pm-the usual time that Greg drops Mila off in Burbank (he works at 2pm). I really felt like getting out & walking around since it was such a perfect day, so Mila and I went to the Americana. We've been sitting on a Cheesecake Factory gift card for like, 2 years, so I decided to treat myself to a restaurant meal. No offense to Mila, but she made my meal by staying asleep in her stroller the entire time! I had a surprisingly good salad off their 'Skinnylicious' menu, some lemon water, and ended with a cappucino! Fancy times! ;) I decided to take a photo of the kid's menu b/c it made me realize how I'm really not looking forward to pretty much giving her the same options everytime we visit a restaurant now. This is our future...? Grilled cheese, chicken strips...
Once I finished my meal, I headed straight for Anthropology, and I was scouring the sale racks, little fingers peeked out of the blanket covering the stroller and I found her awake, smiling and sweaty. Nice bedhead, Mila!
I figured she'd love the water 'feature' and sure enough, she was completely obsessed with it. So cool. Gotta love free entertainment.

'Bye, Mommy!'.....This girl is fearless...
Very excited to see and hear the approaching trolley!!

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