Wednesday, May 30, 2012

As Mila grows & changes every day, I find myself thinking (near constantly) 'Just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore...' My heart melts in new ways every day. 
Now that Mila is almost 4 months old(!) everything is becoming more & more fun. 
With assistance, she loves to sit up and look around. Such a strong neck she's got!
She still loves to sit on laps and be a part of it our dining room table, at restaurants, in anyone's arms she just loves to be able to see what's going on. 
Now when we go on walks in the neighborhood, she shakes with excitement when I make eye contact with her. She also loves looking at all the trees passing her by. We walk down to Huntington Ave and back; typically a 45 minute walk and she's so good with every minute of it. 
Since about two weeks prior to my return to work, she has been waking around 5am to eat. It's tough because I also choose to wake her at 7:30 right before I leave for work. Luckily, when she wakes around 5am, she eats quickly and then falls right back asleep. So it's not too much of a disturbance. And when a baby wakes up smiling and talking instead of screaming, how can one really complain??

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mila and I were guests at a cute little dinner party hosted by Sara the other night, for her Autry gals. Tri has one of those gigantic, humungous bean bags so of course we had to see if Mila liked it. It could swallow her whole!! Too cute. She wasn't quite sure whether she liked it or not, but I bet she definitely will when she's older

Now that I'm back at work, Greg is really good about texting me photos of the baby throughout the day. These were from a particularly warm day. I love the top one; Mila on her activity mat (she finally enjoys it though she isn't grabbing for the hanging-down toys yet, plus half the time she prefers looking out the door) and then you can see the cats in the corner on the bench. These cats may very well drive me c.r.a.z.y. most of the time, but when they're asleep of course I love them

more blurry iphone photos

iphone photos are great until you blow them up and they become blurry. 
anyway, I think I'm obsessed w/taking photos of her while she's sleeping. Unfortunately, she's probably outgrown my sister's old tye-dye onesie, in the top photo. The bottom photo was taken on a very warm day, poor baby. We've got a good fan set-up going on, but I can't help but yearn for central a/c. At least she'll be able to enjoy it at my parent's house all summer long! Thanks mom & dad ;)

Mama's Day

My 1st Mother's Day was perfect. What an honor to be celebrated as Mila Jolie's mom! I told Greg all I wanted to do was make coffee cake and go for a nice long walk, so we did just that. I also took a nice nap, and he wrote a sweet message in a card for me. In the evening it was off to my Aunt & Uncle's house in Santa Clarita so Mila could meet my cousin Collin and we could have fish tacos, yum. My dad took these photos in their pretty yard and I love the first one. The 2nd one is funny because she's wearing a bib that says 'Mommy Makes Me Smile' yet she's crying in my arms (I wanted her to wear an 'I love mommy' type outfit but the ones I have for her are too big so I put the bib on her for a photo). The 3rd photo is also not a good one of the baby but Greg looks cute and at the bottom, you can see Millie looking up at us which I just noticed now; kinda cute.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

More sleepytime cuteness from over the weekend. 
What she does with her hands while sleeping kills me. 
Her open mouth kills me. 
Her profile kills me. 


This is interesting: Mila has three cousins. They're all on Greg's side of the family. Phillip Alexander lives in San Antonio and is 14. Valinda & her brother Gabe live here in LA and she is 30 and he is 25ish. Isn't that a trip?? Mila has a cousin 30 years older than her!! So, Valinda has two kids of her own. They're pictured above. Desiree is 3 and Vincent is 8 months. That makes Valinda Greg's niece. Did you get all that? 
That is, until my sister has kids!! Hurry up Michelle: Mila needs cousins her own age!! ;) Kidding, kidding....
Hi, my name's Mila. I'm 12 weeks old. I have a whole new wardrobe because I no longer fit in newborn size. I now wear 0-3 month outfits, so there's more variety. That means I don't have to live in zip-up footsie pajamas. I actually wear pants and tops. I have plenty of cute outfits that I'll be showing off on this blog.
Blurry family photo from Gin Sushi, our neighborhood sushi bar that is always packed. Greg's mom loves it and stays in a hotel across the street from it whenever they're in town so we always go. She and her hubby just visited from AZ and in 5 days we went to 6 restaurants(!) Bravo, Mila!

I caved.

I caved and bought Miss Mila a headband from Baby Gap. I chose the peach one b/c her complexion is a shade darker than mine so I thought perhaps she could rock that color for me, since I can't. I have to admit I think it's pretty darn cute on her. Does that third photo not melt your heart?...