Saturday, November 5, 2011


  • this week i slept very well. hooray! i believe it's a combo of a few things: lack of stress. the cold weather knocks the cats out (makes them just want to cuddle all night instead of play). waking up earlier (having a sleep routine, and not getting too much sleep does wonders-who would have thought?)
  • Charlie Horse this morning. shot out of bed at 6am; scared Greg. once i stood up it went away but there's nothing you can do in the moment besides shout.
  • i ordered chocolate souffle at the yardhouse last night and decided it's my new favorite dessert. the sweet cravings are officially here.
  • yesterday my supervisor & friend, Susan, and i drove our cars in the rain to her house a few miles away from work. i got to see her beautiful home which definitely deserves to be featured in Sunset magazine. and we loaded both of our cars up with baby hand-me-downs. her daughter Rachel is 8, but Susan has kept so many items boxed up and bundled up in her attic. we inherited: a crib, a pack 'n play, a high chair, 3 plastic bins of baby clothes, bedding for the crib, and a dollhouse. after work that day, we both went to my house and greg helped us unload both cars. it was fun going into the nursery this morning to grab my jacket (we keep the door closed so the cats stay out, but have to use the closet in there) and seeing a (dismantled) crib in there. i can't believe we'll soon have use for a crib!
  • yesterday the baby was dancing in my belly. it felt like she was doing the worm in there. i love when i feel her in different spots at the same time. i guess she's going to like kickboxing like i did. i'll feel simultaneous kicks and punches. i can't believe that she started as the size of an orange seed, and now spans the width of my ever-growing belly.
  • we're getting very excited for our trip to texas this month. we leave the monday before thanksgiving and return the monday after. we're flying, but will be among family with cars, so we'll actually get to see San Antonio (where greg's brother resides) Austin (where we'll celebrate the holiday at his aunt's house) and Houston (where my sis resides with her boyfriend and two cats) Can't wait!!

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