Sunday, January 8, 2012


We're really getting down the the wire here! My due date is in less than one month and I'm still feeling like there's plenty to do! Of course, if not every little thing gets done, we will survive, but here's my list of 'must get done' in order to give birth and bring home a happy, healthy baby!
-Take the hospital tour (this Weds evening)
-Fill out maternity leave paperwork (yuck)
-Pack our bag for the hospital (#1 necessity in my mind: Burt's Bees! And thanks to my mom, I have 4 new tubes of the chapstick)
-Install the car seat, and have it inspected at our local sheriff dept
-Wash bedding, some clothes & blankies, buy some bottles & formula just in case (DEFINITELY plan on breastfeeding though) and buy a changing pad for the top of our dresser~though of course we could always use the bed or couch so I guess that one is not super important. 
-Select our pediatrician. We met with one that we liked, and that Greg's family uses, but we have an 'interview' (so awkward!) lined up with one more, a woman (the other was a man) a bit closer to our home. I really think she sounds great, but we're not slated to meet with her until 1/25!

So as you can see, I have a lot on my mind. Overall, I'm maintaining optimism and confidence. I think what's keeping me going is the light at the end of the tunnel~I absolutely can't wait to meet her! There is no way to describe how strange it feels to know that there is a baby attached to me, inside my belly, who could be born today and survive, yet she's not a physical part of my world yet. I'm so ready for her to be! I'm sure that my nerves will get the best of me soon enough. For now, I'm trying to relax yet be productive & enjoy every moment, and every moment of sleep, too!!
Next doctor's appointment is tomorrow! At 4pm. We get our ultrasound!!
(photo of the view from our bedroom; our camellias rock my world)

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